I have been itching to get family pictures made since Davis was born. He had a session with his cousins, Della and Suzanne, (did I ever share those?) but I felt like we needed some family pictures too. Since he just turned one a few weeks ago, I figured there wasn’t going to be a better time.
I was wrong…20 degrees cooler would have been a better time. Regardless, Aubrey managed to take our hot, sweaty mess and get some beautiful pictures last week! I was so excited to get the pictures back, and I love them even more than I thought I would!
Y’all! Can’t! Also, I think Davis is actually looking a little like me here too!
Davis is almost never impressed with me…but he is so cute!
This is actually Natalie’s front porch. We knew we were going to use her side yard (and her neighbor’s side yard), but Aubrey loved her porch too, so we hopped up there, and I loved how they turned out! Side note: I thought Natalie was gone while we where doing this, and then halfway through, the garage door opened, and they walked out to head to swimming lessons. Davis was so excited!
I’m absolutely shocked that Davis didn’t try to climb off the porch.
These two are definitely favorites! I’m thinking of using the color version on a canvas for the dining room.
We were trying so hard to make him smile…but it was hot, and he was hungry. It’s a good thing he’s got such a cute serious face!
I love both of these so much! I’m thinking I may print the one of Keith and Davis for my desk at work. Love!
This one is also in the running for a canvas. Davis was supposed to be laying with us…but he had his own plans.
There is a whole series of unedited pictures where Keith is tossing Davis into the air, and Davis is laughing super hard. Buuuuuut…in every single one, you can see my panicked mom hand shooting in from off camera. Moms.
This one is my absolute favorite! Aubrey managed to sort through the other pictures where we were feeding Davis Cheerios out of my pocket and find this gem. I’m almost positive this will be on a canvas. I may actually wallpaper the entire house in this.
I don’t know how often we’ll be taking family pictures, but I’ll probably call Aubrey every time! I am in love love love with our pictures, and can’t wait to plaster the walls with them!
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