Oh the Weather Outside Is…

…totally disgusting
     I mean really.  Four days into December (Christmas, Christmas, Christmas), and the highs are pushing 70.  I think that’s gross.  I can’t even wear my sweaters!  I saw someone today in flip flops, flip flops.  I don’t care if it’s 1, 000, 000 degrees…in December, we wear real shoes.
I know I live in west Tennessee and will never see this all December,
but the humidity has got to go…got to.
I’m boycotting everything until it’s really December

that’s not true.
I’ll be back in day or so with the Christmas decorations I’ve already promised to post about.


Unknown said...

Awe! Im from the eat coast so december for me is cold with flurries...on the plus side, you don't have to deal with shoveling :)


Brandy said...

I agree. I'm in Northeast Georgia & the fact that I can wear flip flops, short sleeves and that I actually had to run the air in the car the other day makes me REALLY sad! Especially it being 3 weeks before Christmas.
The highest it should be getting should be from about 55 to the 60's maybe, this is ridiculous.
I'm LOVING the pretty days, don't get me wrong, but it's possible to be beautiful AND cold (talking to you, Mother Nature!)

-Brandy @ Sissy-fits.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Amen! I've seen enough shorts and flip flops walking around Nashville in the last few days to make you question if its really December. Let's go back to a few weeks ago when there was frost on my car.

I'm wearing my tights and sweaters though, even if its 70 out. It's the principal of the thing. :)

Sylvia Holman said...

Thanks for linking up to Followers to Friends hop! Hope you found some cool new bloggy friends. I've followed you back xo


Kayla said...

It is raining really hard here right now but is fairly decent temperature wise and I just told my husband how it felt weird to be so close to December and have it so warm.

He's from California and this is normal weather for him but it bums me out! Christmas lights and warm weather do not mix!