Coffee Date

     I have been reading these coffee date posts over at Rags to Stitches for awhile now, but until now I haven’t taken my blog out for coffee.  So here goes.

     If we were having coffee today, I would suggest that we stay in our pajamas and drink coffee on the couch…preferably out of Christmas mugs.  I would let you choose from our fairly gigantic selection.  I would drink out of this one.


     I would tell you how I got this on sale at Kohl’s last year after Christmas and how I would never have paid the full price.  Then I might tell you how my mother used a coupon to buy me the matching platter.  I would probably start telling you all about my mother.  She is such a giver – definitely her spiritual gift.  After talking about spiritual gifts, I would tell you that I’m not sure I know what mine is.  I would definitely crack some sort of corny joke like, “Is micromanaging a spiritual gift?”
     I would ask you about your Christmas and tell you that it all sounds so fun!  Christmas talking would lead right into talking about all the delicious food we ate.  What did you have?  Was it incredible?


     I would show you this picture and tell you that I made this adorable burlap wreath for my sister.  I would tell you I wish I could just hang out and make wreaths instead of job hunting.  Job. Hunting. Is. Lame.  I knew finding a teaching job at this point in the year was sort of a long shot.  I’m ready to take any available teaching assistant job, but you can’t apply for a job that doesn’t exist.  I would be totally honest and tell you that I’m really discouraged right now.


This encouraged me yesterday.  I would share it with you and hope it encouraged you too.

     When we finished our coffee I would tell you that you are more than welcome to hang out for awhile.  If you have to go I totally understand.  I would remind to come back soon for more coffee and chance to see some new exciting stuff around here.


jkhdancer88 said...

I love this post! So much that I might actually do a coffee date post as well. But I want you to know that I'm gonna pray for you.. that you will find a job soon.. because I was that same girl about 6 months ago.. applying left and right, and almost taking semi-similar teaching jobs that still didn't feel right.. but out of the blue a position opened up in my hometown at the school i happen to teach zumba at. it was truly a miracle. prayer works! stick close to God and He will put you in the perfect position for you! good luck!! hugsss and prayers your way!

Whitney B. said...

Cute post, I keep meaning to make a burlap wreath! They are really cute and my mom is awesome as well :)

phiphis blog said...

great post!! hope you had a wonderful christmas. happy new year!! xox P

phiphi's blog

Unknown said...

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