Shameless Self-Promotion

     Do you ever get really exciting news…and then realize it’s not as great as you thought?   Thanks, Google Reader.  The other day I’m prowling around my Bloglovin’, and I see that my followers have jumped pretty dramatically from where they were last time I looked (…11).  While I was in the middle of my self-congratulatory party I remembered why.   In just a couple of days Google Reader will be leaving us forever (*weeping and gnashing of teeth*), and even though I’ve pretended like it’s not real for months now…I’m guessing it will happen anyway.  That being said, if you still want to hang out (and I really hope you do) you’ve got just a couple of options:

the aforementioned Bloglovin’

the newly fascinating (to me) Twitter

the Facebook I’ve been neglecting but will do better about


Feedburner…for people who understand it better than I do

     There you have it, friends…all the ways to keep up.  Aaaaaand, just in case you need a little teaser as to why you should be sticking around…

Mcguire Wedding 6-22-147

I finally have more to talk about than just the progress of my living room!

I’ve still got lots of New Orleans to talk about.

     Shameless begging and self-promotion – check.  I’ll see you around friends.  If you need me, I’ll be trying to figure out the least time consuming way to make sure I’m still subscribed to all my faves.

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