A Day in the Life

 Hello lovelies, I'm Kristen from A Day in the LIFE of Me!

Why do you care?  Because I'm awesome. That's why!

 Just kidding.  I'm really not that awesome.
And I'm really not conceded.
But what you should care about is my blog over here.

My blog has something for everyone.
Every week there's a new Jam of the Week to check out.

I talk about my date nights with my man, which I've been dating since I was 13.
Let me do the math for you, that's 12 years!

Did I mention we still live with our parents?

We're too broke for our own place, to get married, the whole shabang.

I also cover all the family parties.  You'll learn quickly we LOVEEE to party!

I mean what's life without a PARTY?

 Lastly, I try to throw a little fashion, crafts, and cooking in there.

I've recently been promoted to Co-Lead of my school's Infant Program.
I spent my summer in Chicago pursuing my Infant/Toddler Montessori certification.
And in the life of Ms. Kristen there is never a dull moment.

In lieu of Allyson student teaching, I thought I'd share some crazy, silly, and hectic things that can occur on any given day while working with children.
  •  a child using his tongue to press the button on a sound book
  • a little girl singing a song about poop
  • a child projectile vomiting not once, not twice, but three times
  •  a child washing the window in only a t-shirt
  • a child's #2 coming out of her diaper and not only is it all over her but the floor too

With whatever age you're working with, you never know what you'll get.

All you can do is be prepared for anything to happen!

It'll be a crazy, beautiful ride!!!!


Thanks, Allyson for letting me take over today.  
I hope you enjoy your student teaching and take all that you can from it!
Being a teacher can be a very fulfilling passion!


Kristen said...

yayyy, i looove it =) thanks again!!!

Joni said...

i worked with children for 12 years before becoming a SAHM. My favorite always was working with infants and toddlers. that age is just perfect to me!