End of the Week Wrap-Up

     I don’t do mindless brain-dump type posts often, but I have been so scattered lately that I feel like I should organize my thoughts…for you of course.  Let’s just go with a numbered post.

     1.  Just to reiterate – I am going wedding dress shopping!  I have about one bazillion thoughts, but they could all very well go straight out the window when I start looking.
     2.  My unfortunate under-eye circles must be getting worse every day.  My dad asked why I had a black eye today…

     3.  Somehow I scratched my face the other day.  Due to this unfortunate incident, I have a red welt right under my dark circle-y eye!

     4.  To be totally cliché, kids really do say the “darndest” things.  My daycare kids make me laugh all day long.
          - “My grandparents live really far away…like an hour…or maybe five miles.”
          - “Can I put that basketball inside this box so I can ‘lift weights?’”
          - “I grew this zucchini in my garden.  It had a special powder on it to keep it safe from weeds and wild beetles.”

     5.  O Brother, Where Art Thou will always be hilarious.

     6.  While I’m not wishing my life away…I need the beach…like, yesterday.

     7.  Today (June 22) is my pre-anniversary!

     8.  I will be a college graduate in six months.

     9. Vacuuming is not fun…and for some reason I am always blazing hot when I vacuum.  Bleh.

     10.  Thank you! To every last one of you who has ever come by this blog to read.  An extra thank you to you sweet ladies who follow.  A few days ago this little slice of the interweb hit 200 followers!  I am so excited, and I am so thankful that there are sweeties like each one of you who choose to hang out with me on my blog.  I love you to pieces!
I get to marry this fellow in one year!


Kerrie Williams said...

yay! happy pre-anniversary!!

Julie Marie said...

you are soo super cute, allyson. i loved your kids say the darndest things comment.. i actually started my blog originally because of the things my kids say...
that zucchini comment is the best! =)
thanks so much for stopping by!

Allison said...

how cute are you two!

Carrie said...

Congrats on your upcoming wedding. The day will fly by. Remember to sit back and enjoy it.